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Stoughton Dec 30th 1932

Dear Doris
This is a dull day no sun but warm. Harris came early to shore Pa. he told us that Rhodes had another shock. this must make the third one he has had it is hard to work to kill him & I pity [[her?]]poor thing she has hard luck more than her share. I called on [[Mystic?]] last night as I went past the house she was out getting some wood to start the fire to get supper. [[Careta?]] was not at home, she goes a lot they say, so Mystic took me all around the house, up into her room + showed one her fancy work + patch work, Mystic has faculty, she can do most any thing she undertakes. where [[Alice?]] has not the inclination or ability, she excels as a teacher + is fond of children. 
Pa has enjoyed his candy + I find him looking over his presents so he was pleased with them after he got over the excitement of Xmas spirit in the air. the shirt I found him looking at the day after.