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Stoughton Dec28th 1932

Dear Doris
We are having a warm rain it began last night. & it just mists today I hope it does not last long but it saves heat.  my oil came the very first thing yesterday before I had time to call up the office and so I guess he forgot at first
     I am finishing your nightie I didn’t get it done in time to send in the Xmas box, so you can let it go as your birthday present, now if you want me to make another to change with this heavy one to wash say the word, I would just as soon make it.
     I bought that bag on purpose for you.  I thought it would be durable and pretty so use it if you have to carry your money or bundles you will find it comes pretty handy.  Worcester folks sent tidies for an easy chair.  [Janna?] told me what they were.  I thought it was a bureau set they were a grey netting, worked with white, very pretty.  I must thank her for the present. the Bolcords sent us a Xmas card.  Welch sent one to Pa & the other one to me, so I