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Stoughton Dec 27th 1932

Dear Doris
The sun has been clouded in all day + the air feels like snow. I think before morning we shall be in the midst of a big snow storm again. early this morning my oil man showed up, my oil would have lasted the rest of the week no doubt, as I [[?]] wait till its gone before I order more.
I got a letter from Lena this morning it seems she passed a lonely Xmas she misses our home to come to poor thing isnt it dreadful to be without any one to really care for you or to go home to holidays, there are lots in those positions I presume.
[[Luna?]] had been down to call on Mrs [[Winship??] she cried all day, because her daughter Hazel, who married [[Charley?]] Stickney, did not come home as she had expected her to. [[Luna?]] was chummy with her before she was married, her mother never wanted her to marry. I guess there more people unhappy during these holidays than we know of they are sad reminders for many + I wish they didnot exist. 
[[Luna?]] said they had there different house keepers since [[?]] the one they had got now they liked very much