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Stoughton Dec 22nd 1932

Dear Doris,
It has rained hard during the night but cleared off pleasant this morning + the wind + black clouds sendding [[sending]] over head will have a tendency to create colder weather 
I'm afraid.

I have just got home from downtown to find that our last snow has disappeared + left the sand on top of the old snow so that it makes the walking safe for cars + people once more. I really enjoyed going. The air seemed so good after stifling in the house for two days + nights. Pa did not want one to go + leave him alone. He kept the door locked so I had to go around to the back door which I did not mind. Your letter came last night just before five o'clock. I hope you get mine also all right.

I think Mrs. [[Butting?]] is undertaking a good deal in going home for so short a stay, to say hullo + good bye. I hope it will pay her but should think she could put the money to better use poor as they seem to be. Just like throwing it away it would seem to me.

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