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Stoughton Dec 20th 1932

This is the first mild day we have had for an age.  so the ashes that have been accumulating since the cold weather begun I have had a chance to sift & will burn the remains of during the mild spell.  I have during the cold weather kept my kitchen fire all night & the register open up into the little sewing room & the plants there have been kept nice & without freezing.  therefore we have got along nicely and have not felt the severe temperature as we might have.  It seems good to come down to a warm house in the morning.  I leave my clothes in the warm chamber so they are good & warm when I go in there to dress in the morning.  I have just finished her little nightie & now will try to go on with my letter there is not much to write.  I have been shut in all day.  Pa so far is quiet.  I am going to have a stew oysters are two cents cheaper this week.  Pa does not like oyster stew but he likes them creamed on toasted bread.  I made a jonnie cake for dinner & put in a handful of beans which was good & went well.  but Pa is funny