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Stoughton Dec 18th 1982

Dear Doris
The sun at last + warmer, yesterday was our coldest day + without sun. Started snowing at dark + kept up all night, so pathes had to be made for people to go to church. It does seem good to have the sun once moree. I feel it warn on my back as O am writing. I swept paths both front + back it came very light + took the frost out of the air. 

Your box came yesterday afternoon. Made pretty good time. My box was all ready Friday but it was zero weather + I was not going to expose myself  needlessly by going down with it. Tomorrow will be time enough I thought.

Yesterday was a terrible fussy day with Pa. In the afternoon ge went down cellar hunting for trouble + came up full to the gulls. The heater was all to pieces, door was going to drop down. The cement was all off, it would set the house on fire. He raveed on for two hours untill I was ready to commit murder. So at last I sent for Lindulof to come up + he brought