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Stoughton Dec 1st 1932

Dear Doris,
I will begin your letter before night I wrote Alice this forenoon. I had owed her a letter for several months she is still nursing that old lady in North Easton she is over eighty & out of her mind. people like her as a nurse she is quiet & lady like & they want her the second time. I have been sewing most all day & it seems good to have a change of work. my coal came today & now I am well fixed for the winter. Pa has been quiet ever since I turned off the heat this morning. he is [[seart]] at nothing his nerves are on edge + then he wants to boss + fight. 
I am glad the baby liked the cow I sent her. She will surely become a devout Christian if she is not urged to read the "Old God book." I don't suppose some can see the funny side, but a few of us heathens do. They would urge you to bring her up in the [["nurture + admonition of the Lord"]] as George Burtis (creeping Jesus)[[?]] told mother when she was trying to get her baby to sleep at night a pretty time to take to talk his religion.