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Nov 28 1932

Dear Doris

  This is another cold day but the wind went into the east + its chilly. I hope tomorrow the temperature will get around normal. I have been busy since I returned from downtown. I have just got my tention so it seems to make a better stitch after fussing over it so long + tomorrow I am going to do a lot of stitching. My sewing machine is well oiled up + I can put the work through in no time.
  Every time & go downtown & see Willie Beals on the street + he acts as though he had lost what sense he ever had entirely. He makes me think of a great "babboon"  I wonder if Florence is still in love with him. she had a shock before her brother Willie died you know, the second one did him up. They were our old neighbors. 
    I hope Ralph is not trying to get Mrs Lafford to palm off on Syds letting the old place to you know she is related to Maude + she was carrying on that business here + went away owing Charles Welch so much rent. he had hard work to get her out of