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Stoughton Nov 22nd 1932
Dear Doris
This morning it was colder than anything sue  
have had yet + it bids fair to be a cold night. I have just brought my vegetables in from the laek room thinking they may be cold before morning, as it has been below the freezing mark all day.
I have just got home from downtown where I got a chicken at the first national for 85 + they asked .50 for the same at BPM my other things I got at the BP Market so they would bring them all up so you see how cheeky I am getting then I got Ralph to let me have his keys + with Preey we went up to close those windows as Ralph did not trouble himself to do but told me to bring them back which I shall when I get them closed. There is one window that sticks + Preey thinks with a screw driver he can fix it so it will shut he told me to come down + he would see what he could do. We had hard to open the front door it stuck but the back door is the worse.