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Stoughton Nov 21st 1932

Dear Doris,
This is a terrible chilly raw day without any sun. It seems like another store this has been a pretty hard month for rain + high gales. Yesterday was a nice sunny day.

Alice telephoned up to tell me there was a window open on the back side of the Blake house up stairs. I went down with my key to go up + shut it down, but the door stuck so I could not get in (the side door), so I went to the back + told Ralph about it. He promised to go there after work + see to it. I hope he don't forget it. They left two keys with him + one with me. 

Harold Lopens[?] wife came up to see me the other night about a letter she had received from Lena. She seemed quite interested in the idea + thought if the place was not to her liking they might find another they liked better. I don't think it would be warm enough for Lena down there as their rooms are heated only with a kitchen stove. They can decide when Lena comes out to see the tenement I never recommendid it to her  

Transcription Notes:
Last name midway through page? Recommended spelled recommendid at end