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Stoughton November 18th 1932

Dear Doris,
This has been a chilly sunless day I have just been downtown after books & to pay my electric light dues. 73 we are not using much light where we go to bed at seven O'clock nights. Paturns [patterns] on the light in the dining room long enough to read the paper & I then turn mine on as long as I am sitting reading or nitting [knitting] the little while I am up before going to bed. I carried some persimmons down & treated Alice and Hattie Packard. they had neither of them ever ate any before, they did not know what they were, but liked them. Alice said she wanted to show them to the girls tomorrow the 4H club who meet there tomorrow night. she is president of the club I believe.

Thanksgiving is next Thursday I am saving a mince pie, we shall have a small chicken baked like the one we had when you were here stuffed they are much better than boiled too strong they taste when they are just boiled. I am glad you are putting on wait & taking care of your self. its [it's] bad enough to work