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Stoughton November 10th 1932

Dear Doris

  This has been an ideal day & I managed to be out a good share of the day enjoying the sun & air but the paper speaks of rain to night. Our moon lasts all night. its supposed to be at the full last night its the harvest moon. 
  Well there was a bundle came from Horeys to day for Mrs L F Blake & I went down this afternoon & mailed it to you. Probably if lucky it may get there by Saturday if not before.
  Pa is loth to have me leave him alone, but it has to be done. I should have gone to the funeral but didn't. on account of his horror of being here alone what he is afraid of is beyond me I am sorry its coming cold weather for it means staying right in the house but I am well provided with warm clothing & good overshoes & guess it is something to feel thankful for. 
  I am glad you have moved the bed in as its a much better place to sleep I should