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Stoughton November 13th 1982

Dear Doris

The day is fair with lots of clouds scudding overhead & slightly cooler. I manage to keep busy & get some fresh air & exercise by cutting up a few kindlings outside, by the way those boards & brackets have been a good thing for my fire & it is no job to cut them up, as I do a little at a time & not enough to lame me. then I am covering up the roots of my plants with leaves. My clothes have dried nicely & have just brought them in.

Those men that blazed a trail through the little maple grove came Friday morning to smooth over the place where they took the tree & cut up the trees they cut down. I showed them where they could have taken the tree there were a dozen or more, there was no excuse for your blazing a drive through my grove I had worked so hard to clear for a place to enjoy, when my folks came up from W.D.L. to spend their vacation. There was our driveway & we had