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Stoughton November 11th 1932

Dear Doris

Doesn't it seem good to see the sun once more? this is the first pleasant day we have had since last Sunday. I presume its a holiday there the same as here. People here are taking advantage of the sun, to wash + dry their clothes. I was lucky to do my washing Sunday.
Lena voted the straight republican ticket. you know she hates rum she sent the little dog picture to the baby. made by that Mrs Dauson she goes to see who is so crippled & I dare say Lena carries her something everytime she goes, Lena is very kind hearted & thoughtful for older people don't you think? 
I want to go down town but Pa is fussing so it makes one undecided & Harris has not been here to share him I think he is taking the time off, being a holiday so.
The storm spoilt my chrysanthemums I tied them up the best I could but the rain was too strong & it poured all the night & the last day before it cleared.
I have started three separate roots of the yellow