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Stoughton November 2nd, 1932

Dear Doris

A cloudy cool day there is not much sun only now & then too cool to enjoy being out long at a time. I am putting dirt & leaves around my chrysanthemums so the will stand the winter better and find my whit [[white]] one did live it blossomed this year but as it did not bloom last year I supposed it was dead. So I am glad. 

Myrtie came up this forenoon to see me she is staying to Carita Mardens, the old woman is a crazy old hag & I guess they mean to send her off, before she kills some one, she is terrible a ministers wife & swears like a pirate & ugly, but Myrtie is enough for her. they have to watch her every minute is awful nights. why cant old folks die when they should she is 74 she may live to be 80 no good to any body either. I guess I will call up Gregory Colcord & have my windows put on. it seems pretty windy & it will make my rooms seem warmer. 

I clened my pantry yesterday. I do a little cleaning every day. it will be cold from now on I suppose. I have got to go down to the store after crackers as I am going to have an oyster

Transcription Notes:
Carita Marden - on Census.