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stew for supper + will put my letter in the box as I go down. Did you go to see the Hallowene display or was it too rainy. they had a fire here so much for kids deviltry  I don't know what the coming generation will turn out to be & am glad I shant be here to see. they have all together too much lee way & are not brought up. they are boss & saucy as the dickens.
  Pa is very suple these days he stays down stairs more when Myrtie came he streaked it for up stairs after he eat a mouthful of dinner. I was glad even to see her. no doubt she is having a hard time but it does not jar her much. I guess any one would be a God send to the poor daughter. too bad
  I don't think Pa is anything to such cases. he is not ugly thats sure & I keep him guiet & he don't get excited so there you are he can't help his condition.
  And he does not want company or me to leave home I am using these sheets that the baby marked they look dirty.
  No more this time hope you get this letter before its carried to California the idea. the sun is out & its clear in the sky a nice little moon have you sun it yet!  Ma