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Stoughton Oct 28th 1932

Dear Doris,
It certainly does seem good to see the sun if only for a few minutes at a time it has been [ovely?]. I have been raking away the leaves out of the door yard to the road side where the wind blows them down street a good way to get rid of them. 

These black clouds constantly going over tend to make cold weather, so I suppose by tomorrow we will be freezing up again. I suppose its summer weather down there. but this breezy weather makes me full of energy. it seemed good to be out raking this morning I like the out of doors & hate to be shut in long at a time.

I am stirring up my last mess of tomatoes & will have them for our supper with hash. we have our supper now pretty soon it is most four oClock & then it gets digested before we retire to bed.

Harris came today about noon so Pa had no nap I wanted him to get a hair cut but Pa could not