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look I am reading "Success" is the name. I cant read. as other people only have a little at a time. it tires me. + the story loses its interest. so I get up + do a little work then I am ready to go on with my story again.

Usually October is our most interesting month too bad we had to have it so rainy. perhaps November will be nice. one thing about it we haven't had any frosts.

I am doing nothing these tines if you want me to do your curtains I will. your windows are short + wide. tell me the length + I will make them as you want them. no more long sugar bags.

I have him cleaning the back rooms 

I have been cleaning the back rooms up stairs not knowing when I get a better chance. its warm to do such stunts + next week it may be cold. so now I shant have them to do later on.

This has been a terrible long day its quarter to four + I will now prepare Pa's supper he has eaten by shells all day but that's the only thing he is included in. now he begins to expect me to go to bed at half past six since it has grown so dark he is afraid to go up stairs the same as he used to when the days were longer.
