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cent an hour. I dont think he had been drinking.

The leaves since our frost of night before last seem to be falling fast. I hate to see them go.

The pine needle I have been raking up they are fine for kindlings.

As I was coming from over accross Seaves Street. there was an old woman she looked like an old beggar then + I thought I knew the gait, she turned into Drakes yard + I went to see where she was headed + found it [[underline]]was[[/underline]] Anna Monk she looks just like Henry Crane the same form + the same walk.

Well dont worry + try to rest up more dont take things so seriously. I wish you might come this way to live + leave your work. theres only one life to live + no need to rush so.


I remember noting down in Washington when I was there four years ago at this time of year only later. I am little afraid Hover is going to get left but hope not.

Do you remember my ivory leaf begonia I had in trying to root. well yesterday I was so curious I dug it up + found it had rooted. there were ever so many little tiny leaves under that big parent leaf. I also saw there were lots of roots. so I turned the leaf up when the little leaves could have the sun. I was pleased Ma