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                                               Sloughton Oct 24th 1982

Dear Doris

Today it has been pleasant but slightly cooler. The foliage is changing from day to day. I dread having the leaves drop we have not had but one spell of frost as yet.

I have been busy all day the coat came to day + I have fixed it around the bottom + it will be a warm coat for winter days. The lining seems good + warm + the coat itself is of extra fine material. I am afraid you gave it up too soon.

I hope you will escape the colds that are going around. I don't have any fear only when I go where they have them then I am apt to take the germ.

The sun is just going down + it bids fair to be a good day for tomorrow I think.

I am going down with my letter to the box + I will walk by the house to see if the painters have been on their job. are the going to paint the barn I have noticed that hasn't been begun