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PS Pleasant + sunshiny today + a bit cooler. wind blowing from NW Ma

Stoughton Oct 20th, 1982

Dear Doris,

  Still storming. I have been downtown after butter + lard + bread. I stopped to Alices + got books to read, for this dull weather. I have to read some to keep up my courage.

  This storm has brought down the leaves. everything is covered with them. our storm is most over but it does'nt clear yet. I am in hopes to see it shine out tomorrow.  

  Pa is eating his supper while I am thru mine, it is four, but I was hungry + we had our dinner early, so I put on the tea pot as soon as I got home + did not bother to get much, as I knew Pa had been nibbling all the afternoon, he dont know what else to do.

  I am sorry you are having trouble with your tonsils + I hope the remedy will be effected + you wont lose strength from its disease, but probably will. let me know how you are for I worry when