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Stoughton October 18th 1932
Dear Doris

It has stormed all day it began sometime during the night + its kept steadily at it. When it does clear it may be colder. We have had a mild spell ever since you left. We are getting our rains now. Its been a dry summer. 
The bundle arrived to day + I am letting down the hem of the dress to get all the length possible for my hips take it up + its pretty narrow, its a pretty dress + I mean to get some wear out of it. I lengthened down the sleeves.
I have been busy sewing + darning stockins Pa still stays up stairs, he seems milder, does not show so much spunk + defers to my judgement about things more, which makes it easier to get along with him.
George Smith told me this morning that the Officers caught four bank robbers on Park Street last night. one was a pretty hard looking ticket he said. glad they were able to get the four, it speaks well for our Officers. this will be hard winter so many out of jobs.