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up front of Jonnie Farrels, the two lots this side of Carl Fichers & from there we drove down to the Gebhearts they bought the old Lambert place & fixed it up, a mighty pretty location. I had a chance to see her, the Gilzers are fond of them, (Germans) but I don't take to her, guess she's smart but too much confidence in herself, very gabby & sharp eyes. They are full of music & carry this town by that & Mort says she ought to be called Gabhart he don't like her either.

I would like to see those other pictures that were too dark if you get them printed. These I called very good all of them. Glad Little Dorry has some one to play with, if he doesn't teach her deviltry I guess she would take to that, how old is he? I gathered the tomatoes over to the Tobins the night before the frost came & they are ripening fine. Mine are all used up but they hung out well. I have put up a lot for winter, am going to stew some for our supper. I have gathered the grapes, & shall make them into grape juice without sugar Mrs. Gilzer says it keeps better so.