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not survive being moved. the grass won't have to be mowed again for its all burnt up so no loss without some gain.

  Our neighbors across the way next to the stand pipe Moriarty are quiet, but their radio is going most of the time. It seems to cloud up and if it were any other time one would say it would look like rain. the air is cooler than it was yesterday in the house its very comfortable.

  Harris has just come two o-clock. Pa can rest easy now it takes him about ten minutes to shave him 50 + 75 if he cuts his hair too. but he doesn't like such jobs he would rather they would come to his barber shop handier for him. I hope you get rid of those fleas before you leave else they will multiply. It is growing dark & it is going to rain. I hope it keeps it up for a while. I have been picking berries out in the field a pint & the rain drove me into the house. Pa is upstairs to stay till suppertime   Ma.