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an accomplished musician but lost his lip & thinks he cant play & as a man thinketh so he is. she came from the west & is a nurse, she has not seen her people for fifteen years & means to go out there in September in spite of his objections. he has a mother & sisters in Boston. she has had a great trial in him. he has been crazy before, when their boy was young. she is a nice sensible sort of a person. & very sympathetic. Pa has got the idea into his head to stay up stairs & there he is going to stay. no power on earth is going to alter him in his course, or make him do anything different. when the wind is N West its cool. he does not feel the heat as we do, his blood is sluggish & he has not much vitality. he is very quiet & thats the principal thing. no body interests him. his world has grown very narrow of late. he tries to keep track of things about the house & has his own ideas of things. care was always one of his strongest characteristics you know & its still with him to the end. it is not always agreeable to people around him. but it cant be helped. I have not seen Maude for an age. I must stop there some time. but I dont go down any offtener than I can help the sun is too hot. Does the baby miss the cats yet. I hope the fleas are less the heat is bad enough.