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July 14th 1932

Dear Doris,
Another day of cool wind but hot sun. I do want it to rain everything dry under this scorching sun. it clouded up yesterday after three Oclock & then was sure it was going to rain but it does not do anything but blow which dries up the ground worse. Last night our little birds were torn from their nest on the front porch again. they wait till after dark before they rob the nest. I wish we knew what cat does the business the floor had every sign of a struggle, leaves on the floor & steps & nest torn away & hanging down. darn old cats they are not worth keeping. I am glad I have not got one. Sparky if alive would keep them away.

I went over to see Mrs Ballentines ['s] garden she was out working in it & we were looking over in the

P.S. Talbot came this afternoon but Pa was not very glad to see him he is apt to stay to long & gets him so tired he is nervous as can be & I am glad to have him go  Pa don't like to see people & is better off to be by himself,