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garden next to hers that Conlon put so much work in it has all grown up to weeds & that Locus is springing up in it in places. he took out an everlasting lot of roots. & before he moved he told her she could have any thing she might dig up in there. There is a lot of nice things there. I told her to dig up some of the infants breath it was so pretty in a boquet [[bouquet]]. She said the woman up stairs claims every thing but she don't pull up a single weed she says that she is horrid & they try not to have any thing to do or say to her, she is very bold. I am going to let them have some of my petunias they are seedlings, planted too thick I gave Maude some for her garden but this dry weather its bad to make anything live. I have to keep them covered from this hot sun & wet them every time so they won't dry up. My tomatoes ought to thrive if the dry weather agrees with them which it seems to do. Mrs. Ballentine was asking what supported the Nellie Toomeys. I said I could not say unless it was the good pay they earned on Upharys [[upholstery]] shop years ago. she says they have no company she sees & don't seem to want any. she never has been there. Ma                                    

Transcription Notes:
Toomeys are a family in the area. So she is asking what they did to make money to support the family. I know the sentence is strangely written.