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more for gasoline than it did for food. she is expecting her son home for a vacation soon. I went down to get books to Alices yesterday + I was gone a long time + Pa was not aware I was away. Hattie Packard lives there Uncle Nathan Tucker's Hattie. + she told me that she would be only too glad to get me books out of the pub library. she liked to get out, her time was her own + it would be something to get out for, so thats all right she lost her property, or her youngest son ran through it, her husband died + left her well off. but now Brockton gives her a living. she is my age. I used to go over to her house in Avon when I was young with Loring + her mother was sister to his mother + [[?]] her father was rich but he lost all he had + she was an only child + made much of so it comes pretty hard for her to lose everything she is still with Alice.  Ma

Ma alice