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STOUGHTON, MASS July 12th, 1982
Dear Doris
We are having cool days just now since that shower of yesterday went around us the winds to the west + north. I got some swiss chard down to the Italians on Pleasant Street + for a change it was nice. I am also making an old fashioned rice pudding raw pie as Grandma used to call them, no eggs required
This morning Jim came over to see Pa but he hardly spoke all the time Jim stayed. so he could see he had changed since he was here several weeks ago. he does not want to see any body + don't take much interest in things that are going around him. I can see he is failing some but no one can tell how its going to turn.
I hope he wont lose his mind entirely he is very thin all over + colorless. I want to go down + get some books to read. Alice gets them from the library + stake them