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cooked in. so you see how he is getting. he doesn't seem to have any table manners.
I suppose that's the way we should all go to just animals if our intellect is dull but its hard to realize its so.
I hope + pray for an early + quick termination of life + not live to be a burden to any body + to think of Pa who had eared for his mother + father + grand father who was such a care lost his mind + cut up nights + Pa took care of him + worked days. then his uncle fed crazy + he had the care of him after he came out of the asylum + certainly Pa now in his condition is deserving of proper ease. I honestly try to think of these things + do to a certain extent but I am afraid my patience gets tired some times when I am tired. I have just had a good letter from alice she is taking care of that old lady in N Easton they are very nice people + like alice very much + think her invaluable as a nurse. she is low spoken + lady like + fits in where others would fail. lucky she is to be able to nurse I wonder if her family are working clouds are thickening up fast now. Ma