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STOUGHTON, MASS.  July 6th, 1932

Dear Doris.  The day has been cloudy up to now but since one o'clock the sun has appeared.  the sky was mackrilly early this morning which always means rain sooner or later.

My letter was left behind for want of a cent, so I took it down to the office + got some stamps + the letter wont be delayed there by.  I was sorry to hear about your ankle + hope its better by this time.

Your folks cant be any too careful about what you eat during the hot weather.  I never yet ate a boloney.  do you remember the one Bobbie brought home to you + I kept for him + let him have a few slices at a time to eat, that was a big one + lasted him quite a number of days.  There is something they use for a spray.  to get rid of fleas. shut up the room and use this