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Arthur L. Holmes
290 Walnut Street
Stoughton, Mass           July 3rd 1932

Dear Doris   Friday night we had thunder showers.
a number of them passed both sides of us & never
touched us, but we got some rain but not enough
to hurt us by any means. a little is better than
none at all. yesterday it was cooler, then again
during the night it must have rained some-
it has cleared today & is very windy & cool.

I have just been out in the pasture after
berries they are getting ripe fast but the children
are after them. I had a pie for dinner it tasted
very fresh & good. Yesterday I went down after some
groceries & things to carry me over the holidays.
I saw some salmon it looked nice so i bought

PS the rain is going down some after every
rain it has to blow my tomatoes are well tied up otherwise they would be done up its been so terrible strong & wind & swept all day.nice & cool though. Ma