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Sworn oath
Frederic Speed
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[[order?]] that the aforesaid cotton to retained into the hands of the Sheriff of Claiborne County, upon said deponents given bond as aforesaid and that the civil law be permitted to take its course

Subscribed and sworn before me at the Court House in the city of Vicksburg this 29th day of November Ad 1867
Frederic Speed

In addition to the forgoing said deponeth further saith that he agreed and offered to Capt Woodward to go, and in his presence, pay off and discharge, in full, the claim of the laborers, but that his request was refused by Capt Woodward, he saying that he had no authority to permit such settlement to be made
J.H. Gordon.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-11-04 18:34:10