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Civil, he was ordered to pay to said freedman the sum of $$176.00 or thereabouts

From this order, unauthorized as he honestly believes it to be, the undersigned appeals to the General Commanding, and prays that under the State of facts already detailed, it may not be allowed to be enforced, but may be vacated and set aside.

The certificate of the majority of the referees is filed herewith as Exhibit B. and prayed to be considered.

All which is respectfully submitted.

I was the counsel of George F Granbury in the Two suits in the County Court for 2nd District, referred to in the [[forgoing?]], and what I have stated for Mr. Granbury in regard to them is entirely true in my opinion. I have known Mr. Granbury a long time, and unhesitatingly say that I believe him to be an honest and truthful man, and that I place entire confidence in every statement contained in the following paper
John Shelton