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Sept. 11, 1890

Measurements of New Variable in [[strikethrough]]Microscopium[[/strikethrough]]Sagittarius 

Plate B 3844 (H) Taken 
[[4 columned table]]
|   |b|a|   |
|b [[strikethrough]]a 1[[/strikethrough]]|3.4=|3.7|7.9|
|d [[strikethrough]]b 2[[/strikethrough]]|4.7=|5.0|9.2|
|m [[strikethrough]]c 3[[/strikethrough]]|   |6.7|10.9|
|o [[strikethrough]]d 4[[/strikethrough]]|   |7.9|12.1|
|var. [[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]|[[underlined]]4.2=|4.5[[/underlined]]|8.7|
|   |   |233|   |
|   |   |5.8|   |
|   |   |42|   |

Plate B4354 [[subscript]]2nd reading.[[/subscript]] (L[[subscript]]1[[/subscript]]) Taken
[[4 columned table]]
|b [[strikethrough]]a 1[[/strikethrough]]|5.5|7.3|5.6|
|d [[strikethrough]]b 2[[/strikethrough]]|7.8|9.6|7.4|
|m [[strikethrough]]c 3[[/strikethrough]]|9.3|11.1|   |
|o [[strikethrough]]d 4[[/strikethrough]]|10.1|11.9|   |
|var [[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]|[[underlined]]9.9[[/underlined]]|11.7|   |
|   |32.7|   |   |
|   |82|   |   |
|   |1.8|   |   |

An examination of Plate B4354 on November 25, 1896. Confirms the magnitude of RJ Sagittarius as derived on Sept 11, 1890.

Plate B4354
c 5 v
v 1 d

HM Paul in the Astronomical Journal 16 p 84 says that the close companion must have been observed on the H.C.O. plate of Oct. 14, 1896. This photograph shows the variable and also the companion which is North & following. The variable is slightly brighter than the companion which is the comparison star "d." The date of Plate B4354 is in error. It should be October 7, 1889.

Transcription Notes:
Cannot read the symbols