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Computation Check by [[underline]] Mr. A. Gill. April - 18, 1903. [[/underline]]
[[strikethrough]] February 18, 1903 [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] Mean [[/strikethrough]]

||| Diff x | Diff y |xx17[[superscript]].[[/superscript]]9 | yx1[[superscript]].[[superscript]]79

2C.12[[superscript]]h[[/superscript]]2979 12[[superscript]]h[[/superscript]]50[[above]]1875[[/above]] 9.24[[above]][[?]][[/above]]-56°46[[superscript]]1[[/superscript]]17[[superscript]]11[[/superscript]].6 9 [[above]][[?]][[above]] | -2.68 | -9.03 | 479.72 | 1616.37|

2C.12[[superscript]]h[[/superscript]]2973 12 50 2.74 57 2 43.6 9| -2.40 | -3.60 | 429.60 | 644.40|

|||||0.55|+0.37 | 98.45 | 66.23|