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Var. To the 1st No. 149
Var. To the 2nd No. 150
May 4, 1906.
Meas. To det. Pos. Of var. 19 to the h 15.0 to the m +17 degrees 2’, —
Sp Mdian I 33560 No. 5351, and comp. stars, Also star (o)
Funnel[[found?]] to be var. by S.E, Breshin[[Breslin?]] while measuring the above star.
(O) R.A. 19 to the h 15.4 to the m Dec. +17 degrees 5’
Plate I 25275
[[12 columned table]]
            Var. 1 Var.1
|—-|x|y|x|y|Diff x|Diff 
 Var. 1 Var. 1     Var. 2  Var. 2 Var.2
y|xx163|yx163|Diff x|Diff y|xx163|yx163|
|Var 1| +8.80|+4.80|+8.80|+4.80|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|
|0)Var 2|+10.60|+5.55|+10.65|+5.60|[[strikethrough]]..[[strikethrough]] +1.8 [[strikethrough]]0[[strikethrough]] 2|[[strikethrough]]..[[strikethrough]]+0.79|[[strikethrough]]..[[strikethrough]] 296.66|[[strikethrough]]..[[strikethrough]] 128.77|..|..|..|..|
|var 1|+8.80|+4.80|+8.80|+4.80|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|
|0)var 2|+10.60|+5.60|+10.65|+5.60|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|
|var 1|+8.80(8.80)|+4.80(4.80)|+8.80|+4.80|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|
|o)var 2|+10.60(10.62)|+5.60(5.59)|+10.60|+5.60|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|..|

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center f or Astrophysics • Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
Unreadable text above pre-printed pad notation at the bottom.