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Places for Comet [[underlined]] a [[/underlined]] 1910.

[[4 column table]]
Date˅[[(Bov. M. J.)]] | R.A. | Dec. | Jul. Day.˅[[241]]
1909, Nov. 29.5 | 14^[[h]] 58.1^[[m]] | +42° 17' | 8640.5
1909, Dec. 9.5 | 15 38.2 | +37 2 | 8650.5
1909, Dec. 19.5 | 16 23.4 | +29 29 | 8660.5
1909, Dec. 29.5 | 17 15.3 | +17 46 | 8670.5
1910, Jan. 8.5 | 18 17.7 | -0 31 | 8680.5

[[8 column table]]
Date^[[1]] | Log 12^[[2]] | Log delta^[[3]] | 2 Log 12^[[4]] | 2 Log delta^[[5]] | (4+5)^[[6]] | Rel. Light^[[Log]] | Rel. Mags.

1909, Nov. 29.5 | 0.1567 | 0.1774 | 0.3134^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.3548^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.6682^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 1.5186^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | +3.8
1909, Dec. 9.5 | 0.0874 | 0.1118 | 0.1748^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.2236^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.3984^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 1.2488^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | +3.1
1909, Dec. 19.5 | 9.9987 | 0.0423 | 9.9974^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.0846^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.0820^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.9324^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | +2.3
1909, Dec. 29.5 | 9.8701 | 9.9752 | 9.7402^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 9.9504^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 9.6906^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.5410^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | +1.4
1910 Jan. 8.5 | 9.6375 | 9.9373 | 9.2750^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 9.8746^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 9.1496^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.0000^[[ [[checkmark]] ]] | 0.0