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[Lambda]  7

New var 3 55 + 27 30
[[2 column table]]
B 2070 ✓|7.3✓|
B 2010 ✓|7.2✓|
B 3142 ✓|7.3✓|
B 2324 ✓|7.3✓|
B 1046 ✓|7.2✓|
B 104 ✓|7.3✓|
[[strikethrough]] 3196 [[/strikethrough]] 2343|7.2✓|
[[strikethrough]] 3129 [[/strikethrough]]|   |
[[strikethrough]] 2113 [[/strikethrough]]|   |
[[strikethrough]] 2343 [[/strikethrough]]| Plate 31021. [[strikethrough]] 7.2 |[[/strikethrough]]|
[[/2 column table]]
abcde +
..... .

[[11 column table]]
|   |   |   |Magn|Diff|x.04|   |   |   |   |.533|
|ab|[[strikethrough]]1.5[[/strikethrough]] 1.8|a|0|00|00|0.00|1.00|40|20|.547|
|de|1.8|d|3.0|7.0|1.20|8.80|.06|   |   |   |
|af|1.5|e|4.8|9.40|1.9[[superscript]]a[[/superscript]]|8.08|.01|   |   |   |
|fb|0.3|f|1.5|19.70|.60|9.40|.25 [[strikethrough]]1.64[[/strikethrough]]|10|60|.575|
[[/11 column table]]
Algd. 7.5
[[7?]]. 120 1.20
a 310 3.09
[[equation]] 64/164 = 39 [[/equation]]
[[equation]] 197/2.3 = 86 [[/equation]]
a of Alged var. [[strikethrough]] 12.0 [[/strikethrough]] 12.1
[[2 column table]]
[[/2 column table]]
[[???]] by [[??]] is 0.9 on [[???]] than a  0284.547 12.1
.563 <13.0
I 3085 Feb 18.1891 En.14. 10.0 .575 13.0
July 8, 1905, Date Ex[[?]] Est.
B 3159 88,11,12 15 13.0 ✓

John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics •Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System