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[[4 column table]]
|Plate|Date|Exp Mag.|Est.|
|I33295 .|Aug. 31, 1905|60 10.67^[[9.89]]|g5, 2h 10.67^[[10.39 10.47 = 10.43 [[underlined]]04[[/underlined]] 04]]| [[double strikethrough]]Spi[[/double strikethrough]]
[[strikethrough]]|A1105 .|Oct 18, 1894|17|n2, n|-[[/strikethrough]]
|A1851 .|June 17, 1896|60 1327|S4, N [[underlined]]13.67[[/underlined]]

September 6,1905
[[4 column table]]
|I33307 .|Sept. 5, 1905|9.89|G6, 0K 10.59^[[10.49 10.59 = 10.54 [[underlined]]05[[/underlined]] 05| [[?]]
|I33306 :|Sept. 5, 1905|10.67|H1, 0K 10.59^[[10.77 10.59 = 10.68 09 [[underlined]]09[[/underlined]]|
|C15940 :|Sept. 5, 1905|10.67|H1, 0K 10.59^[[10.77 10.59 = 10.68 09 [[underlined]]09[[/underlined]] ✓|
|C15941 .|Sept. 5, 1905|10.47^[[9.89]]|G6, 2H 10.67^[[10.39 10.47 = 10.43 [[underlined]]04[[/underlined]] 04|

Number of plates examined including those recorded on pp 28, and 29 and preceding August 18, 1905,.= 29

Number of plates Aug. 18 to Aug 31_= 9