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[[underlined]]September 19, 1905.[[/underlined]]

Estimate of recent plates of Nova Aquilae No. 2
New order of sequence used
[[5 column table]]
|Plate|Date|Ex.|Est|   |
|[[strikethrough]]I33295|Aug. 31, 1905|60m|g31h[[/strikethrough]]|   |
|I33335|Sept. 9, 1905|10|[[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]]K21l|10.87 10.85 = 10.86 01 [[underlined]]01[[/underlined]]|
|I33313 Sp.|Sept. 6, 1905|2|[[strikethrough]]k[[/strikethrough]][[inserted]]10.59[[/inserted]]h11k[[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]]|10.69^10.67 10.57 = 10.63 06 [[underlined]]06[[/underlined]]|
|I33326|Sept. 9, 1905|10|[[strikethrough]]h[[/strikethrough]][[inserted]]10.57[[/inserted]]k32l|10.97 10.75 10.86 11 [[underlined]]11[[/underlined]]|
[[/5 column table]]

[[underlined]]Sept. 25, 1905[[/underlined]]
[[5 column table]]
|Plate|Date|Ex.|Est|   |
|[checkmark] I3345|Sept 14, 1905|20^m|h1r|10.59 10.67 10.75 = 10.70 [[underlined]] 01 03 [[/underlined]] 05
| | | |v0k|10.67
| | | |r2l|10.75
|[checkmark] AC6707|Sept 22, 1905|72^m|k2r|10.87 10.85=10.86^01^01 Plhoor Nova near edge.
| | | |r1l|10.85
|[checkmark]l33344|Sept 10, 1905|12^m|l2r|11.15 11.10=11.12^03^[[underlined]]02[[/underlined]]|May not be hl taken on this date.No Naintu make assumed ISLEI33344.|
| | | |r2m|11.10
|[checkmark] C15954|Toohoor| ||
|[checkmark] C15955|Sept. 8, 1905|10^m|k2r|10.87 10.85 = 10.86 01 [[underlined]] 01 [[/underlined]]
| | | |r1l|10.85
|[checkmark] C15979|Sept 21,1905|31^m|l2r|11.15 11.10 = 11.12 03 [[underline]] 02 [[/underline]]
| | | |r2m|11.10
|[checkmark] C15973|Sept. 14, 1905|40^m|k2r 10.87 10.75 = 10.81 06 [[underline]] 06 [[/underline]]
| | | |r2l|10.75
|[checkmark] C15961|Sept. 9. 1905|10^m|l1r|11.05 10.90 = 10.98 07 [[underline]] 08 [[/underline]]
| | | |r4m|10.90
|[checkmark]C15966|Sept. 10, 1905|13^m|k3r|10.97 10.95 10.90 = 10.94 03 01 [[underline]] 04 [[/underline]]
| | | |r0l|10.95
| | | |r4m|10.90
John G. Wolbach Library, Harvard-Smithsonian Center of Astrophysics . Provided by the NASA Astrophysics Data System

Transcription Notes:
Unsure if the "r" frequently used in the second table under Est. is an r or an n, chose r, seemed more likely. Also could not make out one word in the margin note on the Sept 10 entry halfway down the page.