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[[underlined]]January 30, 1096.[[/underlined]]

Exam. of plates to det. var. if any in No.5646 Sp Md, var? on I33776. +32° 4335 21h 59m 29.5s +32°48', 9.5 (1655). The sp. is that of the following and northern of the close stars, either of which might be identified as +32° 4335.
[[4 column table]]
|I4051|Aug. 19 1891|13|10|
|I23503|Sept. 14 1899|13|11|
|I11968|Nov. 22 1894|13|<12|
|I9520|Sept.20 1893|14|<12|
|I9069|Aug 3 1893|15|<12|
|I6902|Sept. 7 1892|11|12|
|I2557|Dec.✔ 22✔ 1890✔|10|<12|
|I26142|Nov.✔ 23✔ 1900✔|10|<12|
|I16049|Sept. 28 1896|32|12.4|
[[/4 column table]]

[[3 column table]]
|I6902|Sept. 7 1892|11m|Gn ident. Dist apart 0.025 cm
|I2557|Dec.✔ 22✔ 1890✔|10m|
|I26142|Nov. 23 1900|10m|
|I4051|Aug. 19 1891|13m|
|I11968|Nov. 22 1894|13m|
|I9520|Sept. 20 1893|14m|
|I27553|Sept. 24 1901|   |
|I26178|Dec. 8 1900|20m|
|I16049|Sept. 28 1896|32m|Enl.
|I29311|Aug.✔ 31✔ 1902✔|13m|
|I8885|July 21 1893|16m|
|I9767|Oct. 25 1893|11m|
|I7401|Oct. 23 1892|12m|
|I6989|Sept. 11 1892|12m|
|I21501|Oct. 25 1898|10m|
|I23503|Sept. 14 1899|13|
[[/3 column table]]

✔An examination of the above plates confirms the variation of the star with a range of about 2.4 magnitudes. The preceding star also shows a variation of about 0.6 ✔magn. 10-10.6(?). [[strikethrough]]and[[/strikethrough]]but is a difficult object. Obs visually.
W.P.F. Jan. 30, 1906.
Both Conf. by L. D. Wells.