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March 1 1906.
Examination of plate to confirm variation of known Type IV see Book 4 page 89 star at 10^[[h]] 41.^[[m]]6-64 57 1875 pos. Identified March 21 1906 as C.P.A - 64° 1475 10 41.6 - 64 57.3 (1875) 9.5 magn. 
10 42.5 - 65 5 (1900) 
Suspected of var. by Mrs. Fleming on spectrum plate B36119
[[4 columned table]]
|   |   |Exp|   |
|B 25357|May 20 1900|63^[[m]]|9.1|
|B 16301|June 13 1896|10|8.6|
|B 31365|March 9 1903|10|8.9|
|B 13477|June 1 1895|10|8.4|
|B 24652|Jan. 30 1900|10|8.7|
|B 22810|May 10 1899|10|9.6|
|B 25356|May 19 1900|60|8.4|
|B 28938|Dec. 6 1901|10|8.4|
|B 35351|Dec. 6✓ 1904|10|8.4|
|B 22911|May 22 1899|11|9.3|
|B 25584|June 20 1900|10|8.5|
|B 10924|April 17 1894|10|8.4|
|B 5071|May 6 ✓ 1890|60|9.2[[strikethrough]]8.7[[/strikethrough]]|

An examination of the above plates shows a variation of about 1.2 magn. Limit-8.4 - 9.6. [[strikethrough]]Confirmed[[/strikethrough]] Variability confirmed by L.D. Wells. W.P.F.

The above star is [[underlined]]surely[[/underlined]] variable. L.D.W. March 21 1906