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September 26, 1907
Exam. of plates to determine variations if any in No 6381. Md? var? 7^[[h]] 3.3^[[m]] + 31° 1' 11855, and No. 6381a, 7 3.9[[strikethrough]]5.9[[/strikethrough]] ^[[h 3m]] + 31° 0' (1855), on Plate I 32757.
[[4 columned table]]
|I 31378|Jan. 14 1904|76^[[m]]|   |
|I 14822|April 8 1896|11|   |
|I 24029|Nov. 12 1899|23|   |
|I 27328|Aug. 16 1901|80|   |
|I 21823|Nov. 28 1898|10^[[m]]|   |
|I 22479|Feb. 25 1899|13|   |
|I 17612|March 16 1897|10|   |
|I 26785|March 12 1901|10|   |
|I 222|Dec. 3 1889|13|   |
|I 16994|Jan 6 1997|18|   |
|I 156117|Feb. 15 1892|10|   |
|I 22013|Dec. 23 1898|19|   |
|I 5738|Feb. 18 1898|19|   |
|I 8056|Feb. 15 1893|12|   |
|I 20853|March 5 1898|12|   |
|I 24047|Nov. 13 1899|26|   |
|I 5053|Dec. 10 1891|17|   |
[[/4 columned table]]

An examination of the above plates fails to show any evidence of variation in the plate at 7^[[h]] 3.3^[[m]] + 31° 1', and only a slight change in the star at 7^[[h]] 5.9^[[m]] + 31° 0',(1855), that is about 0.4 magn, which may be real but is probably due to the photographic images.
W.P.F. Sept. 26, 1907