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February 7, 1908
Exam of Plates for var. of No. 6543, Type III Md var on I34921. C.D.M. -24° 15190 R.A. 19^[[h]] 10^[[m]] 8.0^[[s]] - 24° 8.8' (1875.

[[4 column table]]
|B32081|July 1, 1903|60^[[m]]|9.8|
|I17845|April 12, 1897|10^[[m]]|8.5|
|B20604|Oct. 12, 1897|10|<13.8|
|B22170|Nov. 11, 1898|10|10.5|
|I26904|April 26, 1901|58|<12.0|
|B3878|July 22 1889|44|[[strikethrough]]12.0[[/strikethrough]]<13.0|
|B4049|Aug. 20 1899|62|<13.0|
|B28627|Oct. 3, 1901|10|11.0|
|I26925|April 27, 1901|60|<13.2|
|B23108|June 19, 1899|11|<13.5|
|B9240|April 30, 1893|10|[[strikethrough]]12.0[[/strikethrough]]13.0|
|I23692|September 30, 1899|10|12.0|
|I23669|Spet. 27, 1899|16|112.6|
[[/4 column table]]

An exam. of the above plates shows a variation of about 5.3 magn., in the above star. Estimated limits 8.5 to <13.8. Variability confirmed by Miss L.D. Wells. W.P. Fleming.
Feb. 7, 1908.