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February 8, 1908

Exam. of Plates for Espin's susp. var component of BD +43° 443 2^[[h]] 3^[[m]] 8.0^[[s]] +43° 58.4' (1855).
See Espin's letter of Jan. 29, 1908.
[[2 star diagrams in right margin]]

[[5 column table]]
|Plate|Date|Ex|var 1 Est.|var 2|
|A6570|Sept. 11, 1903|9^[[m]]|9.5|10.0|
|A6836|July 23, 1904|10|9.2|9.5|
|A1124|Oct. 18, 1894|13|   |Does not cover region|
|I23806|Oct. 14, 1899|14|9.4|9.1|
|I16877|Dec. 24, 1896|11|9.3|9.8|
|I4914|Dec. 1, 1891|13|9.2|9.2|
|I15789|Aug. 27, 1896|10|9.2|9.8|
|I21997|Dec. 23, 1898|12|9.3|10.0|
|I21739|Nov. 21, 1898|11|9.8|10.5|
|I3208|Mar. 1, 1891|12|9.5|9.4|
[[/5 column table]]

An exam. of the above plates shows variation in two of the stars given by Espin, the two north, following stars in the group of four. The northern star in the group shows a change of about 1.3 magn. Estimated limits 9.2 to 10.5. The [[strikethrough]]star[[/strikethrough]] companion just south, preceding this star changes about 0.6 magn. Estimated limits 9.2 to 9.8.
W.P. Fleming. February 20, 1908.