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[[5 column table]]
|Design|R.A.|Dec. Magn.|I7702 I31314✓|
|✓+57° 19|0^[[h]] 3^[[m]] 6.0^[[s]]|56.0^[[1]]| 8.9|A A|   |
|+58 1|0 45.0|25.7 9.0|A5 A5|   |
|+58 3|1 29.6|21.0 2.2|   |H.R. 21 F5|
|+58 6|53.7|9.0 9.4|A A|   |
|+58 8|2 8.5|31.8 8.6|A A|   |
|+58 9|26.8|50.5 8.9|A A|   |
|+58 13|4 29.4|22.5 9.5|F? F?|   |
|+58 2700|23 [[strikethrough]]13 16.2[[/strikethrough]]59 7.6|[[strikethrough]]47.8 9.0[[/strikethrough]]5.2 8.8|F F|   |
|✓+58 2701|[[strikethrough]]57.5[[/strikethrough]]19.4|[[strikethrough]]28.6 6.7[[/strikethrough]]31.1 9.2|F+ K|   |
|+42 43|0 8 54.4|41.5 9.1|K^[[I 7929]] K^[[I 32283✓]]|   |
|+42 4[[strikethrough]]2[[/strikethrough]]4|9 3.9|42.7 9.1|A A|   |
|+42 48|11 5.7|59.6 5.9|B6 [[strikethrough]]B[[/strikethrough]]r.|H.R. 7.0 A|
|+42 53|52.7|51.8 8.9|F F|   |
|+42 57|12 53.0|53.5 8.0|A3 A2|   |
|+43 37|0 8 42.6|16.8 9.5|too ft A|   |
|+43 40|9 14.3|38.5 9.1|K G5|   |
|+43 44|10 8.3|12.0 8.1|Ma Ma|   |
|+43 45|16.3|45.5 7.0|G2 G2|   |
|+43 52|11 48.5|4.9 9.4|ft. G5|   |
|✓+43 55|12 34.1|36.5 9.2|K? K|   |
|✓+56 12[[strikethrough]]8[[/strikethrough]]9|0 39 53.6|59.7 9.3|I34184 A I 32596✓|   |
|+56 12[[strikethrough]]9[[/strikethrough]]8|39 27.7|45.8 8.5|A A|   |
|+56 130|40 45.0|32.1 8.7|G5 G5|   |
|+56 142|41 1.1|36.3 9.5|K K|   |
|+57 138|37 15.3|14.1 8.5|A pec A pec|H beta, H gamma, narrow, but well defined on both plates.| 
|145|39 18.7|13.7 8.9|K K|   |
|150|40 21.7|2.4 3.8|   |H.R. 219 F8|
|+57 151|30.6|12.2 8.5|K K|   |