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[[3 columned table]]
| Date of Entry | Ref. to Ex. of Pl. |   |
| Oct. 17, 1893 | B p |   |
| Oct. 17, 1893 |   |   |
| Oct. [[strikethrough]]17[[/strikethrough]]31, 1893 | B p |   |
| Oct. [[strikethrough]]17[[/strikethrough]]31, 1893 |   | This star looked up on Plates I4071, 4072, 4430, 6881, 6924, 7122, 7141, 7249, 7298.
| Nov. 28, 1893 |   |   |
| Nov. 28, 1893 |   |   |
| Dec. 29, 1893 |   |   |
| Jan. 6, 1894 |   | This star looked up on plates 10351, 10352, 10442, 10673, 10844, 10901, 10932.
| Jan 22, 1894 |   |   |
| Jan 22, 1984 |   |   |

[[bracket]]Not in Z.C.
Not in A.G.C.
var? same star?

| Aug 29, 1894 |   |   |
| Oct. 23, 1894 |   |   |

| Nov. 12, 1894 |   | This star looked up & marked on plates I1793, 2275, 2289, 2309, 2597, 2600, 3253, 9337, 9781, 9940, 10201, 2847, 3261, 3928, 5070, 9780, 7770, 7769, 5071, 5118, 11720
| Nov. 12, 1894 |   |   |
| Dec. 14, 1894 |   |   |
| Dec. 14, 1894 |   |   |
| Dec. 14, 1894 |   |   |
| Dec. 14, 1894 |   |   |
| Dec. 31, 1894 |   |   |

Transcription Notes:
& = ascii 38 ° = ascii 248