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[[9 columned table]]
|Letter|Constell|R.A.|Dec.|Desig.|Pl. enl.|Pl. ident.|Meas.|Rem.|
|   |Serpens ✓|16^[[h]] 2.5^[[m]]|+10°12'|+10°2956|B16490 ft B13343 br B15078 ft|I6524|11, 85|#|
|   |Puppis ✓|8 3.1|-22 38|-22 2160|B10530 br B15228 ft|B10903|10, 164|   |
|   |Puppis ✓|8 1.7|-38 29|-38 4049|B15308 br I14850 ft.|B10527|   |   |
|   |Hydra ✓|8 24.7|-5 59|-5 2550|I13965 br.|B15231|11,93|   |
|   |[[strikethrough]]Virgo|12 2.1|-6 12|-5 3424|   |   |[[/strikethrough]]
|   |Centaurus ✓|13 15.1|-61 3|----|B10934 ft. B19286 br.|B3543|10, 171|   |
|   |Apus ✓|13 55.6|-76 19|A.G.C. 19014|   |   |   |   |
|   |Boötes ✓|14 1.7|+13 59|+14°2700|I14514 I3496|I17954|10, 194|   |
|   |Ara ✓|16 54.3|-54 55|A.G.C. 23005|B19368 ft. B13492 br|B17430|   |   |
|   |Pavo ✓|17 34.7|-57 40|A.G.C. 23935|B17442 ft. B19118 br. B13571 ft.|B11632|   |   |
|   |Ara ✓|17 45.7|-51 40|-|B20357 br|B13576|10, 182|   |
|   |Cygnus ✓|19 37.1|+32 23|+32° 3522|I18927 br|I4015|10, 201|   |
|   |Pavo ✓|20 3.3|-60 14|A.G.C. 27560|B18641 ft. B19978 br.|B14501|   |   |
|P|Indus ✓|21 13.6|-45 27|A.G.C. 29232|B16812 ft. B3846 vr.|B16719|   |   |
|[[strikethrough]]X[[\strikethrough]]|Virginis ✓|12 2.1|-6 12|-5° 3424|15678 ft. 16045 br.|B18807|   |   |
|   |Virginis ✓|[[strikethrough]]12[[\strikethrough]]11 59.6|-5°13|-4°3199|16045 ft. 15678 br.|B18807|   |   |
|   |✓|0 54.2|-75°32|.....|   |   |   |   |
|   |✓|3 35.2|-55 43|A.G.C. 4042|   |   |   |   |
|   |✓|5 12.3|-47 2|Z.C.5^[[h]] 418|   |   |   |   |
|   |✓|6 28.1|-8 48|-8°1467|   |   |   |   |
|   |✓|7 22.4|-11 31|-11°1941|   |   |   |   |
|   |✓|9 13.5|-65 49|.....|   |   |   |   |
|   |✓|10 8.3|+60 31|+60° 1246|[[strikethroough]]+60°1246[[\strikethrough]]|   |   |   |
|   |✓|11 59.6|-5°13|-4°3199|   |   |   |   |
|   |✓|22 16.5|-8 7|-8° [[strikethough]]2[[\strikethrough]]58.58   |   |   |   |
|   |Chamaeleon ✓|8 24.1|-76 2|Z.C.8^[[h]] 2054|   |   |   |   |
|   |Carina ✓|9 18.2|-68 20|......|   |   |   |   |
|   |Vela ✓|9 51.3|-41 7|A.G.C. 13539|   |   |   |   |
|   |Antlia ✓|10 30.8|-39 3|A.G.C. 14440|   |   |   |   |