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August 31, 1892
Meas. of new var in Octave (Continued)

trail | Plate [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] B 3307 taken
[[strikethrough]]a[[/strikethrough]]v | 5.2 7.3
images near edge of plate
[[strikethrough]] b [[/strikethrough]] a  |
4.5 6.6
 c | 5.5 7.6
very poor d | 5.8 7.9
e | 6.2 8.3
f | 6.0 8.1
g | 6.3 8.4
h | 6.8 8.9
var. | 5.6 7.7   7.67 7.65 = 7.66 .01 [[underline]] .01

Plate [[strikethrough]] I [[/strikethrough]] B 3308 taken [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] v | 7.0 7.1
near edge [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] b | 
6.7 6.8
of plate c | 7.6 7.7
d | 8.1 8.2
e | 8.5 8.6
f | 8.8 8.9
g | 9.1 9.2
h | 9.4 9.5
k | 9.6 9.7   7.77 7.55 = 7.66  .11 [[underlined]] .11
var. | 7.8 7.9